Our Mission: Communication, Education, Socialization

Training and Education


We have developed a number of externally evaluated, education programmes.

See below for our publicly available community programmes for autistic people, parents/family, and professionals. Our education team can develop and deliver individually tailored programmes to address the needs of a variety of groups working with different age groups.

Our programmes are delivered by highly skilled facilitators who are professionals working in the field of autism or parents who have lived experience, with consultation from autistic adults.


What is the MoSAIC autism early identification workshop?

The Monitoring of Social Attention, Interaction and Communication (MoSAIC) – Social Attention and Communication Surveillance-Revised (SACS-r +PR) workshop will equip all professionals working with infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers (11-60-months-old) with the necessary skills to effectively identify autistic.

This workshop is held online across two half day sessions.

Your MoSAIC trainer

Lee Patrick has worked at Autism New Zealand since 2020. She is autistic and uses her lived experience as well as her academic background in psychology, education and child development in her roles at Autism New Zealand as an educator and research and advocacy advisor. Lee is an accredited trainer of MoSAIC – SACS-r + PR training.

Workshop 1 Register for Course

Location: Zoom
Date: 29 and 30 May 2023
Times: 9am-12pm
Cost: $400 (spaces are limited to 20 attendees)

Whaikaha Registration Fee Sponsorship

Whaikaha has set aside some funding to support access to these workshops for professionals working in the public sector who are actively involved in autism diagnoses. If this applies to you, when completing your registration please tick the box to invoice Whaikaha. Note: You will also be emailed an invoice, which you can disregard.

If you have any other enquiries email: diagnosis@autismnz.org.nz

More information about the MoSAIC workshop

Autism New Zealand are an accredited trainer of MoSAIC – SACS-r + PR workshop, developed by Associate Professor Josephine Barbaro, Principal Research Fellow at the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC), La Trobe University Melbourne. Associate Professor Barbaro has been working on the early signs of autism/takiwātanga in babies and toddlers for more than 15 years. The method developed in the MoSAIC – SACS-r +PR identified a set of behaviours or ‘early markers’ that are characteristic of autistic tamariki, from as young as 12 months old.

Originally implemented in Maternal and Child Health services in Victoria, the SACS method is now used across more than 11 countries. The SACS-r +PR is the most accurate and sensitive early detection method for autism available (Barbaro et al., 2022; Barbaro & Dissanayake, 2010; 2013; Mozolic-Staunton et al., 2020; 83% Positive Predictive Value; 96% sensitivity to preschool age).

The SACS is observationally based, requires training of child-health and education professionals, and works best when implemented in a setting that routinely monitors tamaiti development. MoSAIC – SACS-R + PR (11-60 months-old) training will equip all professionals with the necessary skills to effectively identify autistic tamariki, discuss their findings with families/whānau as part of routine care, and provide a streamlined referral pathway for families/whānau. Autism New Zealand have worked with Associate Professor Barbaro to adapt the training to the Aotearoa New Zealand context.

Learning outcomes:

  • Professionals will have an understanding of autism/takiwātanga and early childhood development
  • Professionals who see infants and toddlers will have the required knowledge and tools to identify early signs of autism/takiwātanga
  • Professionals will be confident in using the MoSAIC – SACS-R + PR tool to determine whether the tamariki that present to their services demonstrate typical or atypical social attention and communication behaviours, relative to their developmental level
  • Professionals will be able to sensitively discuss the results of the MoSAIC – SACS-R + PR tool with parents/carers and refer tamariki with a high likelihood of autism/takiwātanga for further diagnostic assessment and supports and services. This will be possible because of:
    • Confidence in the specificity, sensitivity and other psychometric properties of MoSAIC – SACS-R + PR checklists,
    • group work and role play on raising concerns with parents/carers and addressing parents’/carers’ queries and concerns,
    • knowledge of the necessary referral pathways following a positive MoSAIC – SACS-R + PR result, and understanding of the importance of proactive referral and supports to maximise the developmental outcomes for autistic tamariki.

These programmes are ideally suited for:

  • For organisations or other groups requiring a training or education event.
  • For employers kickstarting their neurodiversity training.

These education programmes include:

For employees:

  • Understanding autism and neurodiversity in the workplace for employees.

For employers:

  • Understanding neurodiversity in the workplace and building awareness into a team.
  • Recruitment, onboarding and retention
  • Adjustments to create a neurodiversity friendly workplace that benefits all employees
  • Neurodivergent communication styles

For more information on employer/employee awareness training please contact training@autismnz.org.nz

Autism New Zealand also provides various other neurodivergent employment programme options including:

  • Guidance around implementing neurodiversity initiatives in the workplace
  • Analysis of current employment environment
  • Review of policies, procedures and frameworks
  • Job analysis and job carving
  • Analysis of the recruitment process to remove barriers experienced by neurodivergent people
  • On the job support
  • Ministry of Social Development (MSD) employment and transition support contracts
  • Advice to Neurodiversity Employee Resource Groups

Any one of these options can be offered as a standalone service or combined as a comprehensive neurodivergent employment programme. These programmes will support systemic change within organisations to build truly inclusive workplaces leading to positive outcomes not only for neurodivergent employees but the entire organisation.

For more information on this please contact neurodiversity.employment@autismnz.org.nz

Ideal introductory programme for autistic adults, family/whānau, and professionals.

FANZ is specifically designed for anyone diagnosed, living or involved with anyone (child to adult) on the autism spectrum, who wants some understanding and practical strategies to enhance the lives and maximise the learning opportunities for those individuals.

FANZ is a two-day introductory programme that enables participants to create a framework for understanding and supporting an autistic person. It is a collection of evidence-based strategies and recommendations from the New Zealand Autism Guideline. The programme is delivered through presentations, video examples, practical role play, and application of the strategies.

What participants say about FANZ

“Enjoyable, enlightening, entertaining, energising. Ka pai te mahi! It is always great to refresh, up skill and remember the varied ways to support these wonderful individuals who see the world in magically different ways to ourselves.”

“All fantastic. Practical suggestions, great stories; approachable facilitators; a huge insight into someone with autism, what to expect, characteristics, a plan, ideas, behaviours and how to deal with them.”

“The workshop was relevant, delivered clearly and used a variety of situations that are often familiar on a daily basis and we now have strategies to employ when dealing with people with autism.”


  • A better understanding of the autism spectrum
  • Practical strategies to apply immediately, including the use of visual supports, how to teach new activities and writing stories for understanding
  • A framework to plan for success using the Autism New Zealand Seesaw
  • A better understanding of behaviours that challenge, including prevention and teaching of alternative behaviours
  • A workbook, certificate, and notes from the programme

Evaluation of the Framework for Autism in New Zealand Workshops, November 2015, Phoenix Research.

Participants in the FANZ workshops showed strong improvements from pre to post workshop and subsequently at three months after. Participants reported intentions to make changes following the workshop and these were in place three to four months post workshop. The extent to which participants would recommend a FANZ workshop to a friend or colleague is very high at the conclusion and increases after three months.

For family/whānau, early childhood teachers, health professionals, or anyone else living or working with young children on autism spectrum.

Way to Play is a fun one-day introduction to playing joyously with a child on the autism spectrum.

Way to play has been specifically designed for people directly involved with a young autistic child. Adults are often left bewildered when trying to play with the child. The course offers some simple, easy to use, practical strategies to begin playing joyously together. Having fun playing together is the focus.

What participants say about Way to Play

“It’s only been four days since the course and I’m already noticing a huge difference in the way my son and I are interacting, in my confidence with my approaches to connecting with him and most unbelievably his subsequent development.”

“I always wanted to play with my boy. I just didn’t know how. Can’t wait to get home and start playing.”

“12 out of 10!! Fascinating! Exceptionally well presented. Great practical examples, demonstrations, and videos. Your enthusiasm is inspiring.”


  • A better understanding of the importance of play and interpersonal engagement
  • Strategies to play joyously with a child
  • A workbook, certificate, and notes from the programme

To receive updates about Education Courses you can join Autism New Zealand by clicking here to complete our new member form. If you have missed your closest Way to Play, you may wish to consider signing up to our Membership to receive updates about programmes in your area or consider Individualised Training.


$20 per person for family/whānau of an autistic person.

$100 per person for professionals and non-family/whanau


For organisations or other groups requiring a training or education event. 

Our experienced educators can individualise and create a training experience that suits your particular needs.

We have developed education programmes for early learning centres, primary, special and high schools, teacher aide organisations, Ministry of Education, Paediatricians, adult support providers, workplace teams, and teams of family/whānau and professionals.

What people have said about our individualised education

“I’d like to congratulate you both on the enthusiastic presentation you both gave to the group.”

“It was the most fun filled learning experience and informative session I have attended for some time!!! Thank you both very much for the ideas you suggested, I can’t wait to get back to the kindergarten to try some fun patterning with our children. (Kindergarten Association).”

“The simple strategies, such as writing down questions for him to think about, have already made a difference. The staff now recognise his strengths and use them (Car Sales Operator).”

How to access individualised training

Email training@autismnz.org.nz with the following information so we can provide a quote;

  • Organisation/group details
  • Age group you work with
  • Time you can allocate to training
  • If you’d like training based on any of our existing programmes
  • Any specific topics or challenges you’d like covered

If you require a short, introductory presentation, you may wish to contact your local Outreach Coordinator about Autism Kōrero.

To receive updates about Education Courses you can join Autism New Zealand by clicking here to complete our new member form.

Tilting the Seesaw for Teams is a combination of strength-based, practical strategies to support the everyday inclusion of autistic children across the full primary school and home settings. The two-day workshop is embedded within a research inquiry. Teachers will complete simple preparatory work prior to attending the two-day workshop which will intensify the focus for their new learning.

After the workshop teachers will complete an action plan and meet with other participants 2 – 3 months later to identify the impact of their learning.

This whole process can form an excellent Professional Development opportunity for teachers willing to transform their practice to include the education of neurodiverse learners.

At Autism New Zealand we are aware that teachers have a heavy workload, so you will have a dedicated professional from Autism New Zealand to guide you through the process.

Team Requirements:

• Supporting one child 5 – 12 years (multiple children will require multiple teams)
• Child attending Full Primary School
• 2 – 5 participants
• At least one Teacher (primary contact)
• At least one Family Member

A parent/caregiver of the child, and a teacher from the school MUST be part of the team. You will need their details to complete registration. Please ensure you provide personal contact details as Autism New Zealand will be in touch prior to the programme to provide resources.

Tilting the Seesaw for Teams is based on the externally evaluated Autism New Zealand programme; Tilting the Seesaw.

What participants say about Tilting the Seesaw

“This course has been invaluable to me and my teacher aide.”
“We have learnt so much more about how to understand, analyse and respond to behaviour. This course has helped me so much.”
“I feel a lot more confident in teaching children with autism and being successful.”
“Learnt a lot of strategies and was inspired to try new ideas.”


• A better understanding of autism
• Learning how to use the tamariki’s strengths and interests to promote learning and communication
• Learning how to implement consistent visual supports at home and at school
• Learning how to implement stories for understanding at home and at school
• Learning strategies for inclusion
• Learning strategies for emotional regulation and reducing anxiety
• Learning tools for behaviours that challenge
• Planning for success by creating an action plan and goals

Research into Tilting the Seesaw

“Results indicated significant improvements in Knowledge, Communication, Behaviour Management, Inclusion and Confidence. Tilting the Seesaw provided greater understanding, greater confidence, learnt useful practical strategies to teach children with autism. An invaluable course”

Tilting the Seesaw – An evaluation of a teacher and teacher aide based intervention for primary school children with autism, Auckland University of Technology, 2014.

To receive updates about Education Courses you can join Autism New Zealand by clicking here to complete our new member form. If you have missed your closest Tilting the Seesaw for Teams, you may wish to consider signing up to our Membership to receive updates about programmes in your area or consider Individualised Training.

Free, funded by the Ministry of Education.

Teacher Relief Costs
This programme is free to participants thanks to funding from the Ministry of Education.

To apply for cover of relief teacher costs, schools should submit their invoice(s) for teacher release by emailing them to nationalautism.programme@education.govt.nz.

A maximum of $150 (GST excl) per day can be reimbursed for a teacher to attend the course i.e., $345 (GST incl) for the two-day course.

The tax invoice must include the following details:

• School name, address and bank account
• Name of the teacher who attended the Tilting the Seesaw for Teams course, and the course date
• Invoice number

Teacher release for this programme is managed by the Provider Services team, which is part of Learning Support at the Ministry of Education’s national office in Wellington. Any enquiries regarding an invoice can be made to Provider Services by emailing nationalautism.programme@education.govt.nz.

Your local Outreach Coordinator can help you with advice, support, and some tips and tricks. Autism Kōrero is a 1 – 2 hour introductory presentation on autism and Autism New Zealand.

How to access Autism Kōrero. 

We ask for a minimum donation of $150 to cover expenses. Please contact your local branch/Outreach Coordinator to arrange a time.

Please note Autism Kōrero does not cover training or Professional Development. Please see our other Education options for more.

A Ministry of Education funded programme for Early Childhood Educators

These programmes can differ across locations according to our contracts with the Ministry of Education, however they usually involve a one-day workshop focusing on strategies for playing with and including a child on the autism spectrum in the Early Childhood Centre/Kōhanga Reo environment. Some programmes may include centre visits for a limited number of centres, where you can see strategies in action and get hands-on experience. Please see below for dates, locations, and programme structure.

What participants say about SELO Introduction to Autism in an Early Childhood Setting

“Thank you so much! Fantastic sessions filled with very practical tips easily implemented in our daily work.”

“Exceeded expectations. Would recommend! :)This workshop was amazing and gave me so much useful information to use in the centre with our children.”

There are currently no scheduled SELO Induction workshops. Please contact training@autismnz.org.nz to receive further information regarding our upcoming education programmes.

To receive further updates about Education Courses you can join Autism New Zealand by clicking here to complete our new member form.


Free, thanks for Strengthening Early Learning Opportunities (SELO) funding from the Ministry of Education.

What is the ADOS-2?

The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule – Second Edition (ADOS-2) is a semi-structured, standardised assessment of communication, social interaction, and play. It has been designed to assist in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and is intended as a supplementary instrument to the ADI-R.

This workshop introduces the ADOS-2 as a developmental assessment tool and is a first step in the process for establishing reliability. It uses a mixture of group lecture, demonstration, scoring and video demonstration of the ADOS-2. (Training does not include the Toddler Module.). The workshop is run across 4 half days.

Your ADOS trainer

Deborah Sweeney, registered psychologist, has been using the ADOS and ADI-R in complex, multi-disciplinary assessments for over 16 years and regularly trains health professionals throughout Australasia.

Upcoming workshops

Workshop 1 | Register for Course

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 13, 14, 20, 21 February 2023  (4 half days)
  • Times: 8.45am-1pm
  • Cost: $800 (spaces are limited to 20 attendees)


Workshop 2 | Register for Course

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 1, 2, 8, 9 May 2023 (4 half days)
  • Times: 8.45am-1pm
  • Cost: $800 (spaces are limited to 20 attendees)


We are awaiting confirmation of funding from Whaikaha for the 2023/24 financial year. At this stage we are taking registrations of interest for workshops in the second half of 2023. Once we have confirmed funding we will open registrations to those who sign up to the registration of interest.

Workshop 3 | REGISTER OF INTEREST ONLY Register for Course

  • Zoom
  • Date: 24, 25, 31 July, 1 August 2023
  • Times: 8:45am – 1:00pm
  • Cost $800.00 (spaces
    limited to 20 attendees)


Workshop 4 | REGISTER OF INTEREST ONLY Register for Course

  • Zoom
  • Date: 9, 10, 16, 19 October 2023
  • Times: 8:45am – 1:00pm
  • Cost $800.00 (spaces
    limited to 20 attendees)

What is the ADI-R?

The Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised (ADI-R) is a standardised, semi-structured interview for use with parents or caregivers of people showing signs of autism. The ADI-R is a vital partner to the ADOS-2 in autism assessment. It focuses on three main areas (i) quality of reciprocal social interaction, (ii) communication and language, and (iii) repetitive, restricted and stereotyped patterns of behaviour.

This workshop gives you understanding of and practice in using the ADI-R. This is done by observing and coding an experienced interviewer, interview practice and live interviewing with a volunteer parent of a child with a confirmed diagnosis of autism. The workshop is run across 5 half days.

Your ADOS trainer

Deborah Sweeney, registered psychologist, has been using the ADOS and ADI-R in complex, multi-disciplinary assessments for over 16 years and regularly trains health professionals throughout Australasia.

Upcoming workshops

We are awaiting confirmation of funding from Whaikaha for the 2023/24 financial year. At this stage we are taking registrations of interest for workshops in the second half of 2023. Once we have confirmed funding we will open registrations to those who sign up to the registration of interest.

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 30, 31 October, 1, 2, 3 November 2023 (5 half days)
  • Times: 9am-1pm
  • Cost: $1,375 (spaces are limited to 10 attendees)


Whaikaha  Registration Fee Sponsorship

Whaikaha has set aside some funding to support access to these workshops for professionals working in the public sector who are actively involved in autism diagnoses. If this applies to you, when completing your registration please tick the box to invoice Whaikaha. Note: You will also be emailed an invoice, which you can disregard.

If you have any other enquiries email: training@autismnz.org.nz

Prerequisite- You must have completed the ADOS-2 Introductory Workshop 

What is the ADOS-2 Toddler Module?

The Toddler Module of the ADOS-2 is a fifth module that is specifically designed to assess children with limited expressive language who are between the ages of 12 and 30 months. Similar to the other ADOS-2 modules, the Toddler Module consists of standardised activities in which communication, social interactions, and restricted and repetitive behaviours relevant to the diagnosis of autism can be observed.

This is an introductory workshop specific to the ADOS-2 Toddler Module and includes lecture, videos, practice with coding, and discussions. The workshop is run across 2 half days.

Your ADOS trainer

Deborah Sweeney, registered psychologist, has been using the ADOS and ADI-R in complex, multi-disciplinary assessments for over 16 years and regularly trains health professionals throughout Australasia.

Upcoming workshops: 

Workshop 1

Location: Zoom
Date: 27, 28 February 2023
Times: 8.45am-1pm
Cost: $400 (spaces are limited to 20 attendees)

We are awaiting confirmation of funding from Whaikaha for the 2023/24 financial year. At this stage we are taking registrations of interest for workshops in the second half of 2023. Once we have confirmed funding we will open registrations to those who sign up to the registration of interest.

Workshop 2

Location: Zoom
Date: May/June, Dates TBC
Times: 8.45am-1pm
Cost: $400 (spaces are limited to 20 attendees)

Whaikaha  Registration Fee Sponsorship

Whaikaha has set aside some funding to support access to these workshops for professionals working in the public sector who are actively involved in autism diagnoses. If this applies to you, when completing your registration please tick the box to invoice Whaikaha. Note: You will also be emailed an invoice, which you can disregard.

If you have any other enquiries email: training@autismnz.org.nz


Ideal introductory programme for autistic adults, family/whānau, and professionals.

FANZ is specifically designed for anyone diagnosed, living or involved with anyone (child to adult) on the autism spectrum, who wants some understanding and practical strategies to enhance the lives and maximise the learning opportunities for those individuals.

FANZ is a two-day introductory programme that enables participants to create a framework for understanding and supporting an autistic person. It is a collection of evidence-based strategies and recommendations from the New Zealand Autism Guideline. The programme is delivered through presentations, video examples, practical role play, and application of the strategies.

What participants say about FANZ

“Enjoyable, enlightening, entertaining, energising. Ka pai te mahi! It is always great to refresh, up skill and remember the varied ways to support these wonderful individuals who see the world in magically different ways to ourselves.”

“All fantastic. Practical suggestions, great stories; approachable facilitators; a huge insight into someone with autism, what to expect, characteristics, a plan, ideas, behaviours and how to deal with them.”

“The workshop was relevant, delivered clearly and used a variety of situations that are often familiar on a daily basis and we now have strategies to employ when dealing with people with autism.”


  • A better understanding of the autism spectrum
  • Practical strategies to apply immediately, including the use of visual supports, how to teach new activities and writing stories for understanding
  • A framework to plan for success using the Autism New Zealand Seesaw
  • A better understanding of behaviours that challenge, including prevention and teaching of alternative behaviours
  • A workbook, certificate, and notes from the programme

Evaluation of the Framework for Autism in New Zealand Workshops, November 2015, Phoenix Research.

Participants in the FANZ workshops showed strong improvements from pre to post workshop and subsequently at three months after. Participants reported intentions to make changes following the workshop and these were in place three to four months post workshop. The extent to which participants would recommend a FANZ workshop to a friend or colleague is very high at the conclusion and increases after three months.

To receive updates about Education Courses you can join Autism New Zealand by clicking here to complete our new member form. If you have missed your closest FANZ, you may wish to consider signing up to our Membership to receive updates about programmes in your area or consider Individualised Training.

Cost $50 per person for family/whānau of an autistic person

$50 per person for an autistic adult

$175 per person for professionals and non-family/whānau

For family/whānau, early childhood teachers, health professionals, or anyone else living or working with young children on autism spectrum.

Way to Play is a fun one-day introduction to playing joyously with a child on the autism spectrum.

Way to play has been specifically designed for people directly involved with a young autistic child. Adults are often left bewildered when trying to play with the child. The course offers some simple, easy to use, practical strategies to begin playing joyously together. Having fun playing together is the focus.

What participants say about Way to Play

“It’s only been four days since the course and I’m already noticing a huge difference in the way my son and I are interacting, in my confidence with my approaches to connecting with him and most unbelievably his subsequent development.”

“I always wanted to play with my boy. I just didn’t know how. Can’t wait to get home and start playing.”

“12 out of 10!! Fascinating! Exceptionally well presented. Great practical examples, demonstrations, and videos. Your enthusiasm is inspiring.”


  • A better understanding of the importance of play and interpersonal engagement
  • Strategies to play joyously with a child
  • A workbook, certificate, and notes from the programmer

To receive updates about Education Courses you can join Autism New Zealand by clicking here to complete our new member form. If you have missed your closest Way to Play, you may wish to consider signing up to our Membership to receive updates about programmes in your area or consider Individualised Training.


$20 per person for family/whānau of an autistic person.

$100 per person for professionals and non-family/whanau

For organisations or other groups requiring a training or education event. 

Our experienced educators can individualise and create a training experience that suits your particular needs.

We have developed education programmes for early learning centres, primary, special and high schools, teacher aide organisations, Ministry of Education, Paediatricians, adult support providers, workplace teams, and teams of family/whānau and professionals.

What people have said about our individualised education

“I’d like to congratulate you both on the enthusiastic presentation you both gave to the group.”

“It was the most fun filled learning experience and informative session I have attended for some time!!! Thank you both very much for the ideas you suggested, I can’t wait to get back to the kindergarten to try some fun patterning with our children. (Kindergarten Association).”

“The simple strategies, such as writing down questions for him to think about, have already made a difference. The staff now recognise his strengths and use them (Car Sales Operator).”

How to access individualised training

Email training@autismnz.org.nz with the following information so we can provide a quote;

  • Organisation/group details
  • Age group you work with
  • Time you can allocate to training
  • If you’d like training based on any of our existing programmes
  • Any specific topics or challenges you’d like covered

If you require a short, introductory presentation, you may wish to contact your local Outreach Coordinator about Autism Kōrero.

To receive updates about Education Courses you can join Autism New Zealand by clicking here to complete our new member form.

Tilting the Seesaw for Teams is a combination of strength-based, practical strategies to support the everyday inclusion of autistic children across the full primary school and home settings. The two-day workshop is embedded within a research inquiry. Teachers will complete simple preparatory work prior to attending the two-day workshop which will intensify the focus for their new learning.

After the workshop teachers will complete an action plan and meet with other participants 2 – 3 months later to identify the impact of their learning.

This whole process can form an excellent Professional Development opportunity for teachers willing to transform their practice to include the education of neurodiverse learners.

At Autism New Zealand we are aware that teachers have a heavy workload, so you will have a dedicated professional from Autism New Zealand to guide you through the process.

Team Requirements:

• Supporting one child 5 – 12 years (multiple children will require multiple teams)
• Child attending Full Primary School
• 2 – 5 participants
• At least one Teacher (primary contact)
• At least one Family Member

A parent/caregiver of the child, and a teacher from the school MUST be part of the team. You will need their details to complete registration. Please ensure you provide personal contact details as Autism New Zealand will be in touch prior to the programme to provide resources.

Tilting the Seesaw for Teams is based on the externally evaluated Autism New Zealand programme; Tilting the Seesaw.

What participants say about Tilting the Seesaw

“This course has been invaluable to me and my teacher aide.”
“We have learnt so much more about how to understand, analyse and respond to behaviour. This course has helped me so much.”
“I feel a lot more confident in teaching children with autism and being successful.”
“Learnt a lot of strategies and was inspired to try new ideas.”


• A better understanding of autism
• Learning how to use the tamariki’s strengths and interests to promote learning and communication
• Learning how to implement consistent visual supports at home and at school
• Learning how to implement stories for understanding at home and at school
• Learning strategies for inclusion
• Learning strategies for emotional regulation and reducing anxiety
• Learning tools for behaviours that challenge
• Planning for success by creating an action plan and goals

Research into Tilting the Seesaw

“Results indicated significant improvements in Knowledge, Communication, Behaviour Management, Inclusion and Confidence. Tilting the Seesaw provided greater understanding, greater confidence, learnt useful practical strategies to teach children with autism. An invaluable course”

Tilting the Seesaw – An evaluation of a teacher and teacher aide based intervention for primary school children with autism, Auckland University of Technology, 2014.

To receive updates about Education Courses you can join Autism New Zealand by clicking here to complete our new member form. If you have missed your closest Tilting the Seesaw for Teams, you may wish to consider signing up to our Membership to receive updates about programmes in your area or consider Individualised Training.

Free, funded by the Ministry of Education.

Teacher Relief Costs
This programme is free to participants thanks to funding from the Ministry of Education.

To apply for cover of relief teacher costs, schools should submit their invoice(s) for teacher release by emailing them to nationalautism.programme@education.govt.nz.

A maximum of $150 (GST excl) per day can be reimbursed for a teacher to attend the course i.e., $345 (GST incl) for the two-day course.

The tax invoice must include the following details:

• School name, address and bank account
• Name of the teacher who attended the Tilting the Seesaw for Teams course, and the course date
• Invoice number

Teacher release for this programme is managed by the Provider Services team, which is part of Learning Support at the Ministry of Education’s national office in Wellington. Any enquiries regarding an invoice can be made to Provider Services by emailing nationalautism.programme@education.govt.nz.

Autism New Zealand is a provider of Early Intervention Services, approved by the Ministry of Education. Our Early intervention Service is called the EarlySteps programme. EarlySteps will provide the earliest possible help to support autistic tamariki (children) and those with a probable autism diagnosis.

We pride ourselves in being the first Ministry of Education funded provider in New Zealand of an autism specific early intervention support service and look forward to making a positive difference.

Who we work with

We work with whānau (families) and kaiako (teachers) involved with the tamariki. While a diagnosis of autism is preferable, where there are queries about tamariki showing signs of autism they may be accepted into the service.

How we work and why

Research in autism has shown the value in engaging autistic tamariki in play and of using everyday activities (e.g. mealtimes, story time) as opportunities for learning. It has also shown that these tamariki learn better in their everyday regular environment.

  • The best people to help tamariki learn are whānau and/or the kaiako who are with the tamariki throughout the day and know them well.
  • We will coach you in different ways to play and engage your tamaiti/tamariki to help them to learn and develop.
  • Coaching will be provided by specialists visiting your whānau and/or early childhood setting to develop effective skills to support the tamariki.

We believe that if we change the ways adults engage and play with autistic tamariki, participation and engagement in play and learning situations will improve.

How we will deliver the service

  • Initial home and centre visits to collect background information.
  • Developing the Focus for Intervention – individual goals. The Early Intervention Specialist will help whānau identify goals agreed by the whānau and the centre (if involved). The implementation of the focus goals will be regularly monitored by the Early Intervention Specialist.
  • The EarlySteps Education Programme – a series of workshops with home visits to practice and consolidate the skills learnt will be offered by specialists with knowledge and experience of autism.
  • Video coaching will be a major tool to impart knowledge as well as to demonstrate progress. Videos will be taken and used as a teaching, learning and evaluation tool in relation to the tamariki.
  • Attendance at the EarlySteps play group at least once every fortnight to learn together with other parents, to watch the Speech Therapist and Early Intervention Specialist model new strategies and ways to engage your tamaiti.

Education Support Worker

Some tamariki may qualify for additional support. Qualification for additional support means they will get an Education Support Work (ESW) specifically trained by the EarlySteps team to support autistic tamariki.

Please note that this programme is only available in West Auckland.

Ideal introductory programme for autistic adults, family/whānau, and professionals.

FANZ is specifically designed for anyone diagnosed, living or involved with anyone (child to adult) on the autism spectrum, who wants some understanding and practical strategies to enhance the lives and maximise the learning opportunities for those individuals.

FANZ is a two-day introductory programme that enables participants to create a framework for understanding and supporting an autistic person. It is a collection of evidence-based strategies and recommendations from the New Zealand Autism Guideline. The programme is delivered through presentations, video examples, practical role play, and application of the strategies.

What participants say about FANZ

“Enjoyable, enlightening, entertaining, energising. Ka pai te mahi! It is always great to refresh, up skill and remember the varied ways to support these wonderful individuals who see the world in magically different ways to ourselves.”

“All fantastic. Practical suggestions, great stories; approachable facilitators; a huge insight into someone with autism, what to expect, characteristics, a plan, ideas, behaviours and how to deal with them.”

“The workshop was relevant, delivered clearly and used a variety of situations that are often familiar on a daily basis and we now have strategies to employ when dealing with people with autism.”


  • A better understanding of the autism spectrum
  • Practical strategies to apply immediately, including the use of visual supports, how to teach new activities and writing stories for understanding
  • A framework to plan for success using the Autism New Zealand Seesaw
  • A better understanding of behaviours that challenge, including prevention and teaching of alternative behaviours
  • A workbook, certificate, and notes from the programme

Evaluation of the Framework for Autism in New Zealand Workshops, November 2015, Phoenix Research.

Participants in the FANZ workshops showed strong improvements from pre to post workshop and subsequently at three months after. Participants reported intentions to make changes following the workshop and these were in place three to four months post workshop. The extent to which participants would recommend a FANZ workshop to a friend or colleague is very high at the conclusion and increases after three months.

To receive updates about Education Courses you can join Autism New Zealand by clicking here to complete our new member form. If you have missed your closest FANZ, you may wish to consider signing up to our Membership to receive updates about programmes in your area or consider Individualised Training.

Cost $50 per person for family/whānau of an autistic person

$50 per person for an autistic adult

$175 per person for professionals and non-family/whānau

For organisations or other groups requiring a training or education event. 

Our experienced educators can individualise and create a training experience that suits your particular needs.

We have developed education programmes for early learning centres, primary, special and high schools, teacher aide organisations, Ministry of Education, Paediatricians, adult support providers, workplace teams, and teams of family/whānau and professionals.

What people have said about our individualised education

“I’d like to congratulate you both on the enthusiastic presentation you both gave to the group.”

“It was the most fun filled learning experience and informative session I have attended for some time!!! Thank you both very much for the ideas you suggested, I can’t wait to get back to the kindergarten to try some fun patterning with our children. (Kindergarten Association).”

“The simple strategies, such as writing down questions for him to think about, have already made a difference. The staff now recognise his strengths and use them (Car Sales Operator).”

How to access individualised training

Email training@autismnz.org.nz with the following information so we can provide a quote;

  • Organisation/group details
  • Age group you work with
  • Time you can allocate to training
  • If you’d like training based on any of our existing programmes
  • Any specific topics or challenges you’d like covered

If you require a short, introductory presentation, you may wish to contact your local Outreach Coordinator about Autism Kōrero.

To receive updates about Education Courses you can join Autism New Zealand by clicking here to complete our new member form.