Our Mission: Communication, Education, Socialization

my rooms

MyRoom! is a concept created for multisensory resources that can be enjoyed at home. A person’s bedroom is a privileged space to enjoy. Customise it to suit you!

Able to create a magic space at home, we take one step further in promoting personal autonomy and entertainment for children and adults with disabilities.

In a space as personal as our own rooms at home, we have all the elements necessary to create a 100% multimedia and sensory environment compatible with the other usual elements.

Sensory rooms at home adopt as its stage a familiar safe environment, where those with a disability can grow, experience, feel, learn and enjoy their free time according to their likes and interests.

The set of products can be completely adjusted to the characteristics and age of each person and to the characteristics of each room, are also easy to install and control. 

If you have any question or would like to create your own MyRoom! contact us.

What do you need in order to have a MyRoom! At home?

Select a room in your house. We would suggest the main room normally used by the person who will use the sensory space. There are no special requirements for the room itself, but one of the different SHX solutions will have to be installed.

Please contact us for more information.

Change your room to a sensory space:

  • Connect any of the SHX solutions to a projector, a television or screen to choose your photos, videos or favourite music.

  • Add buttons, controllers or interactive mats to access the content as you wish. You can also use your own tablet to interact with the different elements of the room
  • Give the room a bit of colour and install spotlights and lights fitting the likes of the person who will use the room. From lights with stars, suns and moons, to ultraviolet light.

  • Enjoy the vibration of the music or the sound of the videos you choose with the vibroacoustic elements.

  • And to make the experience even more enriching, you can always add other activators, like a soap bubble machine, a mirror ball, a fan with ribbons or adapted toys.

All the elements in MyRoom! are managed by various controllers (such as the BJ Control Button or SHX Mat), or with your tablet, thanks to the SHX Central device connected to your computer.

If you have any doubt about any of the SHX solutions get in contact with us.