Soundbeam is an award-winning device that enables hands-free control and uses sensory technology to turn body movements into music and sound.

It offers children with disabilities and adults with disabilities the opportunity to create music, regardless of the type of disability and the amount of support they need.
What is Soundbeam and how does it work?
Soundbeam uses ultrasonic sensors to detect large and small movements in order to convert them into sounds. It comes with pre-made soundtracks that range from songs that allow you to explore and perform different genres such as blues and classical music, all the way to improvisational sounds and other musical ways of playing.
The user can make additional changes to personalize the sounds and save them. Soundbeam 6 contains a variety of instruments, backing tracks and sound effects. It is possible to connect up to 4 sensors, although initially 2 sensors are the most popular choice.
Also, there is the possibility to control the Soundbeam using 8 wireless switches that are robust, tactile, versatile and colorful.

What are the main features of Soundbeam?
- touch screen with quick and easy function navigation
- integrated sounds of different instruments, sounds, rhythmic loops
- the possibility of creating your own sounds
- precision in creating melody and harmonic progressions
- possibility of storing own compositions and performances
Possibilities of use
The use of Soundbeam has been extensively and thoroughly evaluated in educational-rehabilitation work and music therapy with children with severe and severe intellectual disabilities and multiple disabilities.
However, Soundbeam can be used to work with children and adults with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, Down syndrome, Rett syndrome, cerebral palsy, unwanted behaviors, depression and Alzheimer's disease.
Soundbeam is a medium through which even people with severe disabilities can express themselves and communicate by creating music. The sense of control and independence that people achieve using Soundbeam can be a powerful motivator to encourage learning and interaction in other areas.
The sensitivity of this device means that even individuals with greater disabilities can use it and successfully create music.