The SimplyWorks Smooth Talker is one of the most versatile smooth talkers on the market. With a modern design, it offers the most diverse options for recording messages. Comes in 4 bright colors.

This communicator has the possibility of a total recording lasting up to 2 minutes, 6 levels of message recording, excellent sound quality of two speakers on the front of the communicator, and a low-positioned switch to enable the user to activate it even easier.

Smooth Talker is also available in the Smooth Talker with levels version , which, compared to the standard Smooth Talker, has the ability to record a message on 5 levels .

The total time of recording messages is a total of 8 minutes for all levels . For example, on levels 1 and 2 messages can be recorded for 3 minutes, leaving 2 minutes for the remaining 3 recording levels. You can mix and match the message duration and levels as you wish.

Smooth Talker with Levels has a built-in battery that is charged via a USB charger and can be used while charging.

SimplyWorks Smooth Talker is unique in providing several additional modes of operation during message playback:

After the recording is finished, the external switch will play the odd messages and the main Smooth Talker communicator switch will play the even messages. The main switch will not trigger sound until the external switch initiates a conversation, thus allowing the conversation to always start from message number 1. In this mode, there is no limit to the number of messages, nor does the number of messages in each dialog set have to be equal.

Message 1: "Cake",

Message 2: "Ice cream",

Message 3: "Cocoa",

Message 4: "Juice".

Upon arrival at the confectionery, the customer decides that he wants juice. The therapist (or parent) skips the other messages until message 4 is reached, and then the user presses the switch and orders the desired one by playing the word "Juice".

Also, Smooth Talker is the only communicator with wired and wireless connection for toys and other devices and can simultaneously activate two toys or two connected devices, which makes it unique in the communicator market.

Also, Smooth Talker offers the option of inserting cards for visual stimulation. You can insert the card into the open cover of the communicator.

For a further explanation of how to use this versatile communicator, watch this video: