What is SimplyWorks Control?
SimplyWorks Control is a single-channel controller that allows you to control battery-operated toys and household appliances. It is easily portable and small enough to be attached to a toy.
The SimplyWorks control unit can be used with any SimplyWorks transmitters to control toys, lights, fans or any battery powered device using a standard 3.5mm jack.

SimplyWorks Control can control devices within a range of 10 m, without interference, and has several modes of operation.
Features of the SimplyWorks Control device
- works with any SimplyWorks toy control transmitter or other output devices
- allows you to connect up to 6 wireless switches and use them simultaneously
- individual socket input with dimensions of 3.5 mm
- small enough to attach to a toy
- working range at a distance of up to 10 m
- automatic mode saves battery - no on/off switch
- long battery life
- multiple modes of operation
What can everything be used for?
- communication
- environmental management
- activities with switches
- toy management
- wireless connection