What is Serwantess Communicator?
Serwantess communicator is intended for people who are unable to speak. It is a software that needs to be installed on the user's computer via Windows and then a gaze tracking device, such as Tobii PCEye Plus or Tobii PCEye Mini , must be connected to the computer . In this way, the Tobii device and Serwantess communicator enable a person to communicate with people in the environment. Given that the Serwantess communicator can be connected to the Servus system , people can manage their home by sight.
How to use Serwantess communicator?
A person looks at a computer screen or tablet on which the Serwantess communicator is installed. A Tobii eye tracker is also connected to the computer. It tracks the person's eye movements and moves the cursor on the screen instead of a mouse.
As a person looks at a certain letter on the screen, it is printed in the upper frame. In this way, a person is enabled to create words and sentences. After the person has written what they wanted, they can start speaking the phrase or sentence.

In the Serwantess communicator, there is already a menu of quick expressions that can be used for quick communication. These are expressions that are often used in everyday communication, and their selection in the quick menu shortens the time a person needs to write sentences, which also makes communication faster and more practical.
Who is Serwantess communicator intended for?
The Serwantess communicator is primarily intended for adult, literate people who are unable to speak, and can control the communicator using their gaze, or moving their eyes. Thus, the Serwantess communicator is suitable for people suffering from ALS, severe stages of muscular dystrophy or multiple sclerosis, for people who have suffered a stroke, etc.
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August 16, 2024