Deprivation is the name for muscle weakness that refers to the impossibility or difficulty of performing movements with the absence or weakness of contractions in the affected muscles.
Complete deprivation is called paralysis or plegia, and partial deprivation is called paresis.
If only one limb or nerve is affected, it is called monoplegia or monoparesis. Muscle weakness can affect both arms (diplegia or diparesis) or both legs (paraplegia or paraparesis), and when both arms and both legs are affected, the name tetraplegia or tetraparesis is used. Muscle weakness can affect only one half of the body (hemiplegia or hemiparesis).
The most common difficulties faced by people with plegia or paresis are increased or decreased muscle tone, increased reflexes or loss of reflexes, the appearance of pathological reflexes and muscle atrophy.
Increased or decreased muscle tone and muscle atrophy in people with plegia or paresis can make it difficult for them to move, communicate, use computers and function in everyday life. In order for these people to overcome their difficulties and be more independent in everyday life, they can use assistive technology and assisted communication.
There are low-tech devices for assisted communication such as simple communicators , but also high-tech devices such as Tobii communicators with different communication software such as Communicator 5.
Devices such as the IntegraMouse , Quha Zono or PCEye Mini for vision control will make it easier for people with plegia or paresis to access a computer.