What is a PIAF (Pictures in a Flash) "baker"?

The PIAF printer produces high-quality tactile graphics using a capsule of heat-sensitive paper. Tactile graphics are ideal for blind and partially sighted people.

How does the PIAF toaster work?

A controlled heat source causes changes in any black lines, letters or shapes that are drawn, printed or copied on special paper in such a way that the lines "swell" or rise. The result is a tactile graphic display.

Even better results are achieved with special, tangible magic paper. Such paper can be passed through the PIAF oven several times, without jeopardizing the quality of already raised lines and character outlines on the paper. These capabilities allow blind and partially sighted people to produce and manipulate tactile images in an interactive and dynamic way.

What can everything be used for?

Features of PIAF paper: