Our Mission: Communication, Education, Socialization



Toys that you can control with switches Toys adapted in such a way that they can be operated with switches allow children with motor disabilities the opportunity to play and learn as independently as possible. A child with motor disabilities, using a switch to control his favorite toy, becomes an

LifeTool software

The LIFEtool company offers a variety of educational software for the development of various cognitive skills, but also for the development of computer skills. Take a look at some of the most interesting products from the range, most of which have been adapted for switch control. CatchMe The goal of


Soundbeam is an award-winning device that enables hands-free control and uses sensory technology to turn body movements into music and sound. It offers children with disabilities and adults with disabilities the opportunity to create music, regardless of the type of disability and the amount of support they need. What is

Interactive wall

What is an interactive wall? The interactive wall is a simple communicator consisting of 30 fields. In each field it is possible to insert a thumbnail and record a sound message lasting 10 seconds. It is suitable for children of preschool and primary school age. It is an excellent resource

Memory of a little connoisseur

What is the Memory of a Little Connoisseur? In addition to play being an important source of a child's joy, it is also an important means of learning. Memory of the little connoisseur is an activity that is designed as an ideal opportunity in which the game can be used

A comprehensive educational computer

What is a Comprehensive Educational Computer? The comprehensive educational computer (All in One Computer - AIO, eng.) is intended primarily to encourage children's development with the help of software solutions that have been carefully selected by experts in the field of educational rehabilitation. This computer is intended for children of

Small Bank

What is Mala Banka? Mala Banka is a new tool for encouraging calculation skills and using money, developed according to the needs of Croatian experts in the field of upbringing and education. What makes Mala Banka unique in the sea of ​​other applications that are currently available is its complete


A small classroom Learning can be fun! Various software such as ABC Maestro and Look to Learn and devices such as the Clevy keyboard, talker clip and BeamZ musical instrument enable children to learn easier, faster and more fun! Below, explore the aids with which you can more easily achieve


Using different tools to assess eye control skills, professionals working with children and adults will be able to make a decision about the appropriateness of using eye control for computer access and communication for their users, but at the same time carry out assessments and tests of different skills and


Have you been frustrated when you wanted to write something on the board and the only marker in the classroom didn't work? Or have you already written a lot and realized you don't have a sponge to erase? Maybe you had to draw something and you're not very good at