Our Mission: Communication, Education, Socialization


Magnifiers for the visually impaired

Electronic magnifiers are devices that use video cameras for magnification and display that content on the screen. These are aids that make everyday activities easier for visually impaired people at home, school or at the workplace. They allow for precise adjustment of the quality of content enlargement and brightness and

PIAF device

What is a PIAF (Pictures in a Flash) "baker"? The PIAF printer produces high-quality tactile graphics using a capsule of heat-sensitive paper. Tactile graphics are ideal for blind and partially sighted people. How does the PIAF toaster work? A controlled heat source causes changes in any black lines, letters or


What are BraillePen notebooks? BraillePen notebooks are portable, incredibly affordable, with a lightweight keyboard and enviably long battery life. The BraillePen 12 Touch provides easy two-way access to a computer and a portable device. With it, the experience of reading Braille will always be exciting. Since no configurations or settings

6dot Braille Coach

BrailleCoach is a learning support device that uses radio frequency identification technology to recognize and play back a voice message with information associated with braille embossing. This portable device is equipped with a headphone jack to ensure the user's privacy, and also features 6 ways of communicating with words and

6dot Braille Label Maker

What is 6dot Braille Label Maker? The 6dot Braille Label Maker is a Braille marker, ergonomically designed to be portable and easy to use anywhere, anytime. It has a built-in braille keyboard that supports all braille characters, for the needs of all languages. Braille keyboard keys are highlighted in green,


Tiflotechnique is the name for all assistive technology used by blind and partially sighted people when performing various activities in everyday life, at school or at the workplace. Various devices such as the 6dot Braille Label Maker or the ProxTalker communicator will facilitate activities such as braille literacy, development of


After you have chosen the ideal tool, don't forget about the stand! In cooperation with the German company REHAdapt, we offer top-quality stands for laptops, tablets, smartphones or switches. Installation is possible on a table, bed, cart, floor or anywhere else you need. These racks are quick and easy to

Dyslexia package

Clevy Maestro + package for dyslexia is an indispensable tool for working with children with disabilities, primarily for working with children with specific learning difficulties. Children with specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, have difficulties in connecting sounds with letters, connecting sounds and syllables in words, moving or inserting letters

Time Timer

The Time Timer is designed to be free-standing or wall-mounted in a classroom for group activities. Its size and bold numbers make it easy to use, even for the visually impaired. It comes in several sizes and colors. It also comes in the form of a child-friendly wristwatch. It is

All-Turn-It Spinner

The All-Turn-It Spinner provides random selection for group selection or playing games of chance, and is also a fun alternative to regular dice. It has a built-in external switch to start it, but it can also be controlled via a wired or wireless switch. It provides many opportunities for students