Our Mission: Communication, Education, Socialization



People with disabilities who start work at a new workplace or people who return to their old workplace after the onset of disability most often need support through workplace adaptation. One of the biggest problems could arise when accessing and working on a computer using a standard keyboard and computer


Hospital environment and possible difficulties Staying in a hospital environment, especially in an intensive care unit, is often stressful for patients. Patients can be confused, scared and tense, and what is normally taken for granted in everyday life, including communication, can now become an insurmountable obstacle. Illness, medications, pain, weakness,


Raising and educating children is very often a demanding and difficult job. The weight of this work becomes even more apparent when it comes to raising and educating children with disabilities. Whether it is regular educational institutions or specialized centers, one thing is certain - every child should be provided


Assistive technology in kindergartens Do you work with preschoolers who have language-speech difficulties, autism spectrum disorders or motor difficulties, and you don't know how to help them? Do you want a strong ally in working with children with disabilities who will help break down the communication barriers you encounter every


Are you interested in learning more about the sensory room? Do you want to enable a sensory room for users in your institution? Click on "Send inquiry" and fill out the form. We will contact you within 5 to 7 working days. We are here to help. Your E-Voice Request


How does the Snoezelen room help the elderly? In Western countries, Snoezelen sensory rooms are also often used in homes for the elderly and infirm. For elderly people who have suffered a stroke, suffer from chronic pain or dementia, the experience gained in the Snoezelen sensory room can facilitate memory,


In the 1970s, two Dutch therapists designed an unusual sensory environment for working with people with disabilities and named it Snoezelen ("snuzlen"). The word is coined from two Dutch words, snuffelen, meaning to sniff (explore) and doezelen, meaning to snooze. Originally conceived as a safe environment and place of relaxation


What is a sensory room? A sensory room is a multisensory space that is used to provide people with sensory integration difficulties with additional sensory stimulation or to reduce sensory stimuli. Although mainly used for children with sensory integration disorder or autism spectrum disorder, in Western countries sensory rooms are

Prox Talker

What is Logan® ProxTalker®? Logan® ProxTalker® is one of the most interesting simple communicators on the market. Its wide range of advanced functions and adaptability make it an indispensable communication tool. It uses radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to enable independent verbal-visual communication for non-verbal people of all ages. This

Prox Pad

What is Logan® ProxPAD™? Logan® ProxPAD™ is a communication device and learning aid for people with motor, visual and cognitive disabilities that requires tangible objects or other cues to initiate communication. Like the Logan® ProxTalker® , it uses radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to provide voice information to a person