Our Mission: Communication, Education, Socialization


PK is “magic wand”

Myth: Assisted communication is a "magic wand" that solves all communication difficulties Every now and then we hear or read stories about how assisted communication (hereafter PK) can completely change someone's life. Some of these stories are based on research results that confirm that PK: Increases the individual's ability to

Access to the communicator

Myth: Equipment to access the communication device is not necessary - only the communication device is required Providing someone with a communication device, but not giving them access to that device is the same as placing a person in front of a locked door without a key . The equipment

High-tech PK

Myth: Before using high-tech communication devices, it is necessary to first use low-tech means of assisted communication Communication Do we ask young children of orderly development to point to pictures with their fingers before they begin to communicate with speech? Of course not. Photo by Shot By Ireland on Unsplash

Stroke and PK

Myth: Assisted communication can be introduced too soon after a stroke or brain trauma. What is assisted communication? Assisted communication (in the following text PK) means tools and techniques that are used independently or in combination to support communication in people who have communication difficulties , for example, their speech

Basic is enough

Myth: Expressing basic needs is enough Communicating with the help of assisted communication Photo by Tobii Dynavox Individuals who use assisted communication systems use multiple methods to convey a message , depending on the situation and/or the communication partner. Their assisted communication system may include a communication device, a communication

Too much difficulty

The difficulty may be too great for the person to benefit from assisted communication. You must have heard one of these comments: - "It looks like she doesn't want to communicate ." - "It looks like she doesn't want to communicate ." - "He can barely move, so how can

Too young for PK

Myth: Too young for assisted communication This myth has its roots in certain beliefs about children at an early age and the use of assisted communication: Children must be of a certain chronological age. The child must first possess certain skills. The child must be able to communicate independently. Assisted


Communication is an integral part of our lives. Through it we express our thoughts, desires and needs, and in this way we build relationships with others. People who have communication difficulties have difficulties in language expression and understanding, but also in socialization, and they need assisted communication (PC). Since the


https://youtu.be/oAU1_mt5Kc8 Date of event: Wednesday, June 10, 2020. Webinar start: 1 pm Duration: 45 min Lecturer: Krešimir Perša, mag. speech therapist. Price: FREE Applications at: https://bit.ly/webinar-mala-ucionica Application deadline: until Tuesday, 06/09/2020. at 12 noon Children entering the first grade need to master various skills: communication, language, social, etc. Some students


People of the third age are a sensitive group of people who have to deal with various changes that occur in that period of life. Although aging is a normal physiological process, during this period the body's functions weaken and the risk of contracting some diseases increases. The above can