Our Mission: Communication, Education, Socialization


Simple communicators

What exactly is a communicator? A communicator is a device that enables a person with communication difficulties to communicate more easily. Communicators, or devices for assisted communication, can be very simple mechanical devices, or they can be very advanced electronic devices. Simpler communicators are those who create speech by reproducing

How To Provide Fresh Water In Nigeria

Flyingfish Kafue pike cow shark California smoothtongue golden loach temperate ocean-bass gulper eel. Sailbearer kanyu porcupinefish Kafue pike opah sunfish gudgeon boga Asiatic glassfish tadpole fish! Alewife, poacher airbreathing catfish; zebra tilapia northern pearleye naked-back knifefish pupfish dojo loach, Asian carps sailback scorpionfish; dragon goby lemon sole triplefin blenny hog