Our Mission: Communication, Education, Socialization



What is Logan® ProxTalker®? Logan® ProxTalker® is one of the most interesting simple communicators on the market. Its wide range of advanced functions and adaptability make it an indispensable communication tool. It uses radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to enable independent verbal-visual communication for non-verbal people of all ages. This


What is Logan® ProxPAD™? Logan® ProxPAD™ is a communication device and learning aid for people with motor, visual and cognitive disabilities that requires tangible objects or other cues to initiate communication. Like the Logan® ProxTalker® , it uses radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to provide voice information to a person


SuperTalker is a progressive communicator that adapts to the age and needs of the user. It offers the ability to record and play 64 different messages for a maximum duration of 16 minutes. Messages can be recorded at 8 different levels, and grids of 1, 2, 4 or 8 fields


The SimplyWorks Smooth Talker is one of the most versatile smooth talkers on the market. With a modern design, it offers the most diverse options for recording messages. Comes in 4 bright colors. This communicator has the possibility of a total recording lasting up to 2 minutes, 6 levels of


QuickTalker FT communicators are lightweight and practical, portable speech generation devices. They are intended for users with reduced language and speech abilities and serve to facilitate their daily communication with the environment. Depending on the model, from 23 to 103 different messages can be recorded on them, and from 6


GoTalk communicators are extremely efficient and easy to use. They belong to the group of communication aids with voice output. Ease of use and multifunctionality enable their wide application in the daily life of people with speech difficulties. They are used to initiate or encourage communication, speech, expression of personal


TalkTrac is a small and practical communicator that can be worn like a wristwatch. It is ideal for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders as an aid in social communication, with family and friends, and for recording schedules, lists of things to remember, things to do, and the like.

Interactive wall

What is an interactive wall? The interactive wall is a simple communicator consisting of 30 fields. In each field it is possible to insert a thumbnail and record a sound message lasting 10 seconds. It is suitable for children of preschool and primary school age. It is an excellent resource

BIGmack and LITTLEmack

BIGmack is a simple communicator in the form of a large button with a diameter of 12.7. Pressing the button plays the recorded sound. It comes in a package with interchangeable covers in 4 colors, and thanks to the additional connection, it can also be used to activate toys. A

Talking clothespins

What are talking clothespins? Talking clothespins are an ideal motivator for encouraging and developing the communication and cognitive skills of children with disabilities, as well as children with normal development. These simple communicators with a robust design come in a pack of 6 brightly colored clips, each with the ability