Our Mission: Communication, Education, Socialization



ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL https://youtu.be/MCnYrLhtvaw Remotes Gaining as much independence as possible at home is the main objective of environmental control devices.The environmental control system developed by BJLive!, allows everyone to have control over the different elements of the home such as the TV, stereo, lights, doors, beds, blinds or any domestic

Positive Behaviour Support

First Steps For Autism Therapy Positive Behaviour Support

New Early Childhood Page

First Steps For Autism Therapy Positive Behaviour Support

Opening of the sensory room at “Pećine” Primary School

The sensory room at Pećine Elementary School in Rijeka, in the Department for Visually Impaired Children, will enable even better work with blind and partially sighted students by providing essential visual, auditory, proprioceptive and tactile stimulation. Blind students will thus practice compensatory skills through touch and sound, and visually impaired

Practical education at DV Latica

" The use of assistive technology requires support, from getting to know the capabilities of the device, to designing content suitable for each individual user. ” (Vesna Penjalov, director of DV Latica) In mid-September 2018, a two-day practical training on the use of assistive technology was organized for employees of


Mission The mission of E-Voice is to purposefully use our knowledge and experience to help and facilitate the daily life of people who live in difficult life circumstances due to physical disability, old age, illness or general physical infirmity. Technical Support Given that we want to provide users of assistive


Assistive technology and assisted communication are intended for people with different needs and capabilities, including people with different diseases, people with disabilities and children with developmental disabilities. Find out more about which equipment can be used in certain occasions below. We are here to help AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS CEREBRAL PARALYSIS


Welcome to the world of assistive technology and assisted communication! In order to equalize the communication possibilities of people with disabilities, a wide range of low-tech and high-tech communication devices, adapted to the unique challenges of people with disabilities, have been developed. Explore the most commonly used assistive communication devices

Free online education

Welcome to the online educational center for assistive technology. Below you can find video lessons through which you will: acquire basic knowledge about assistive technology to acquire basic knowledge about the use of communicators in assisted communication learn about simple ways to improve the quality of work with children and


And this summer we are combining pleasant with useful! Three days of education and socializing! Lecturers Jennifer Abramson (Children's Hospital Boston) Jennifer Abramson, a speech pathologist at Children's Hospital in Boston, works in the Department of Assisted Communication with children with autism spectrum disorders. Within that program, he evaluates students