What is Look to Learn?
Look to Learn is a collection of 40 activities for people who are new to gaze control technology. It is also very useful in working with users with attention disorders.
The activities are specially designed to improve computer access and sight selection skills in a fun way. Each activity develops a skill, from connecting cause and effect to precise gaze control.
This software was designed in collaboration with teachers and experts and provides tools for assessing the user's abilities. Look to Learn is primarily designed to motivate the user and to be fun.

Analysis and evaluation of activities
Look to Learn software has a built-in gaze tracking analysis tool that will tell you where a person's gaze was directed during an activity. This tool can be used to analyze screen access and the relevance of what the user was looking at, and to measure the user's progress.

Learning five different types of skills
Look to Learn activities are divided into 5 categories for learning 5 different types of skills:
Sensory Skills
This collection of fun and educational materials teaches users about cause and effect
encouraging the use of the entire screen surface in a fun way
perfecting the precision of eye control while working with a computer while having fun and laughing
Making choices
developing decision-making skills in a non-boring way
Eye control
game and entertainment to improve computer eye control skills
Many activities can be customized by inserting your favorite images or videos.
Scenes and Sounds
Scenes and Sounds is a collection of 26 activities for children and adults to learn how to operate a computer with the help of sight. It is a complement to the Look to Learn software package that emphasizes interactive visuals, music and sound. Each activity is designed to encourage the development of some skill needed to manage the gaze.
Engage in interactive scenes, listen to music or play games, explore and practice precision. And don't forget to have fun!
A FREE Look to Learn software update is available .
The latest version of this software no longer relies on Flash technology, that is, the Flash Player plug-in, which contributes to greater stability and security.
Flash technology will stop working on December 31, 2020, and it is recommended to update the software before that date.
With this update, in the video activities within the Look to Learn software, it is possible to upload videos in different formats, such as .webm , .flv , .avi , .mov , .ogg and .mp4 formats.
You can download the update by clicking on: