Our Mission: Communication, Education, Socialization

Control Medi Multi

Control Medi Multi is an IR transmitter with scanning function and GewaRadio option. Given that it perfectly fits the shape of the hand and contains buttons that only require light pressure, it is perfectly adapted to people with motor and cognitive disabilities.

Control Medi Multi consists of 8 buttons and 4 levels, which enables 28 functions. It can send and learn infrared (IR) and radio signals (GewaRadio) from almost all remote controls in the world.


For those people who cannot press the keys directly, there is a scanning option. That way, using the control switch, a person can scan all the options. The scanning speed can also be adjusted to suit a person’s individual needs. The device gives feedback to the person after pressing the button in the form of vibration, sound or light.


The keys on the device can be marked with labels that can be downloaded from the official Abilia website and opened as a Word document, and then printed on plain paper. Also, the Control Medi Multi can be placed in a holder to keep it fixed in one place.